Thursday 11 February 2010

Farewell to Egypt & hello to the UK
Courses being held in March,
It isn't the big Good BYE, Egypt is in my heart, visits will happen for a long time to come. However it is the end of living in Luxor & perhaps living in Egypt full time.
My experience is unique to me. Came here for adventure, had plenty of that ......... though not in the Indianna Jones style more in the challenges of everyday life, came to rest, reflect and heal, Egypt, the perfect setting for much needed change and renewal.
Luxor, has the largest known necroplis on the planet, a great place to gaze in awe at astonishing evidence of an ancient way of life some aspects of which are still visible in the villages.
You can sit on a hillside near The Valley of Kings surrounded by Temples & Tombs whilst speaking on your mobile phone to your Mum in England. A few metres further and no signal, you are out in the burning heat of the desert, walking ancient paths where the business of ensuring good fortune in the afterlife was the name of the game.
For now, I am packing up what has been a temporary full time life.
Leaving to take opportunities to teach what Animals can do with forage oils from plants & raise money for Animal welfare projects in Egypt, the Uk and the USA & Australia.
I will be back in Egypt in 2011, with students who wish to learn about the Horse and Animal work & get some hands on experiences whilst they see the sights of Egypt.
I will be teaching workshops and offering new courses.
There is so much to be learned from being in a new culture, especially to learn about yourself and your abilities, exploring ancient roots and new horizons through work and study.
The experience of Egypt is a lifetime experience, offering animal experiences, Nile cruising, the stunning sights and time at the Red Sea for reflection and rest.
The cost includes donations to Egyptian Animal welfare projects.
You will have personal and professional development programme
to support your achievements.
Helpful to anyone seeking knowledge about their path of work with Animals, anyone interested in a career or regular overseas animal project work and to anyone who loves animals and wishes to develop themselves through the insights gained from being immersed in a new culture.
Experiences are also offered in the USA, come and stay in one of the States, experience Horses US style, become involved in a new project, learn about the latest Plant oils, see how Horses saved from the slaughter pens may be helped recover using trauma oils and other approaches and see some sights.
Limited places, please be in touch for the 2010 itinery.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi Kryssie,
i much enjoyed reading your blog here, i wish you many more days of happyness in your work and if your in lincolnshire or near drop me a line
huggs and best wishes