Saturday, 26 October 2013

Adventuring on!

Calendar dates are funny things aren't they? they cause parties, celebrations, they revive memories, set chapter beginnings and ends, celebrate our births, marriages and ultimately our deaths. Every day is one or more of those to someone somewhere, many someones I guess.

In the northern hemisphere, the end of October is fast taking us into Winter, traditionally a time of taking stock of the year, taking time to reflect, time to celebrate, one has survived another year. Bizarrely, it's usually the complete opposite for me, October has often been a time of new beginnings, in the middle of that month in 2007 I decided to go live in Egypt, ten days later on Hallow'een I landed in Luxor. There have been other Octobers though none so far have brought the awesome feel of leaving the UK for a new life in Egypt.  
This October sees me opening for business in the UK, the business bit is still coming together but the work is ready and so am I. Leaving life in Luxor was absolutely heart wrenching even thinking it would be for a few weeks. When I then tripped over breaking my jaw after only 4 weeks in the UK, life just stopped me in my tracks. Life in Luxor mostly worked for me, the street work and times helping the animals at ace egypt, the amazing daily sunsets, moon rises, the luscious fresh sun ripened fruit. Just a few minutes walk ... in & out of shafts of stinging hot sun rays, along dusty streets filled with taxis & the most patient Donkeys harnessed to wooden carts, all this just on the way to my bank. All this and more, every day alongside the Nile and the Luxor Temple via lots of little shops and at least one egyptian man shouting "be my wife"! It's taken me a while to land back & find some sanity back near Mum in the north west of England in a small industrial town.

Website is coming soon ....

I offer info, support and lessons that focus on using raw foods, fresh herbs, essential oils, berries & food oils along with the instincts of your animals for their food & medicinal forage needs. Any health issue can be supported using the animals own instincts for nature.ALWAYS something can be done to make animals more comfortable & raise their quality of life experience. Frequently, this approach becomes a way of life leading to a normal life span and rude health.

I have always kept animals this way and for the last 18 years have studied, researched, trialed products and practiced in the UK, EU, Egypt & around the world. This work; supporting people supporting their animals naturally, somehow encompasses all my previous work in Animals Care, Food, Nursing, Counselling and Alternative Medicines. It is my joy, every day I learn more. The animals & their people who come my way are just wonderful to know & support.

Online will be all my services, products & events.
Here on the blog I'll be sharing photos of animals, case histories and more

For now, if you would like an appointment or a chat, you can e mail me, skype kryssieluxor facebook message and connect with me kryssie francis 

Home visits available in the north west of England, Workshops available anywhere. Lessons/appointments also online and via skype.

Online charges
Ask me one question for £5 for a 5 minute skype, phone, FB chat or email response.
Book me for 30 mins for £25 or an hour for £45

Pay me via paypal or electronic transfer :)

This work is about Natural Feeding & practical Animal Self Medication (also known as Applied Zoopharmacognosy) For more information about the science and it's pioneering founder, my teacher Caroline Ingraham go to

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