Courses in the UK
Spring 2010
Cheshire, Gloucestershire & somewhere near you :)
Raise funds for your Animal Rescue !
Come along to see a demonstration of Horses and other Animals
showing how they self select essential oils and other extracts from
forage plants. This is how they nourish themselves when wild and free.
In her book "Wild Health" Cindy Engel gives insights into the health strategies
of animals in their wild habitat that have been observed by scientists.
Read about the Chimpanzees observed by an assistant of Dr Jane Goodall;
anthropologist Richard Wrangham noticed them selecting leaves from the
Aspilia Rudis shrub. Over time this behaviour was seen repeatedly, Chimps
used over 19 different leaves many were found to have secondary metabolites
useful in traditional African medicine. Yet it seems the most likely use here
was in the little leaves having almost a velcro like underside which scoured
worms from their digestive tract.
Animals recognise and ingest Plants and their oils for many different uses,
the study of this is now known as Zoopharmacognosy .. Animals plant knowledge.
In their wild habitats animals spend much of their days foraging
for what we call food. Their nutrition is far more complex than we thought.
When being kept in a domestic setting, few animals gain nutritionally,
many actually experience a shorter lifespan
despite the luxury of modern living and few predators.
Accessing animals to the herbage and natural nutrients
from their wild habitat is a wonderful way to honour
their natural needs, maintaining their health well into old age.
When animals have a great need for such nutrients they will
ingest large quantities of Essential and Herbal oils taken from Plants;
oils must be organic and cleanly produced for this purpose.
Where their need is minor, it is simple to access them to a
tub of plants or additional patches of forage plants
grown around their grazing or excercise area.
This is the work I enable animals to teach their owners.
Join me in a workshop, enjoy a clinic, demonstration or
soon you can read my first of a new series of
animal case history books.
ANIMAL TAO - Animal know how
The first chapter will be free to download via my website.
This first book gives an overview of 15 yrs of clinical practice with
many different species of animals,
including Willan a Cat with Cancer diagnosed with weeks to live
who actually lived for a few more years !
Her owner learned and introduced natural feeding and plant remedies.
Bernard the breeding Tortoise who had a medication resistant ENT infection.
Shady TB ex racehorse had "untreatable" arthritis and spinal misalignments.
He also lived a few more years :)
All outlived the medically diagnosed time prognosis.
None suffered side effects, all taught their owners
the true importance of natural nutrition.
Looking forward so much to meeting YOU :)
Call me 00447900863504
skype kryssieegypt