Friday, 12 November 2010

An Ass taking medicinal plant oils

The medical diagnosis is largely irrelevent, it helps to have knowledge of potential interactions between synthetic drugs and medicinal oils; however, in my own experience, Animals do not choose oils that are incompatible with any treatment drugs.

This Ass has selected the oil required by inhaling a number of different oils, his responses are clear Yes pleases ... trying to take the bottle, licking or mouthing the bottle or attempts to inhale the smell or No .. head turning away and refusal to proceed further.

One of the greatest challenges helping working Egyptian Donkeys, Asses, Mules and Horses using this approach, is their frequent inability to lick using the tongue; this may be because the tongue or it's muscles are actually broken from the use of wire bits or because they have no experience of using the tongue, they have no controlled use of it; they normally just grab solid food and suck up water.

Often in this case, as with the Ass above they will try to use their teeth to scrape the oil from the hand, suck the hand or rub the insides of their lips and gums onto the oil in the hand. 

This Ass selected oils associated with clearing trauma and those with anti-viral properties.

The Ass is often white or many shades of brown and is considerable larger than the biblical small grey Donkey which also bears the black cross shaped marking over it's back. 
The Ass also has a very loud bray.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

conflict and love

It's a part of human interaction that we all have conflicting expectations and what we hear isn't always what has been said or meant.  What i learned studying The Psychology of Vision and from A Course in Miracles has helped me greatly to realise that if someone is intent on having a conflict with me, they will go ahead ! 

Loving interactions are hallmarked by respectful, calm dialogues, where each person can say what is happening to them without brining into the talk any judgement or criticism or any negative speak.
Conflict resolution is based upon a wish to gain insights from a deeper level of mutual understanding, love and respect. Psychological research tells us, it is not possible to learn or listen when being shouted at, judged or criticised; in fact the bodys autonomic nervous systems flys into alarm mode and we are concerned with survival and no more.

If i remain in my grounded self, secure in my own self esteem, fully consciously aware of my whole true self, a peaceful soul always, remembering past listenings to the feedback of trusted friends and teachers, then i am ok.  When i studied counselling at the University of Manchester, we had at least 2 modules which explored conflict resolution and the effects of conflict on the quality of our relationships and on our health.  It was an amazing gift to every one of us who by virtue of our work, often found ourselves right in the middle of human conflict or on the end of it.

As Chuck Spezzano says " if another is more interested in right rather than peace, you know they are not coming from the heart but from the ego".  Anger belongs to the person expressing it, their feelings are their own and their responsibility. Out of context anger is always about the past, unhealed emotional baggage and it belongs to the individual spewing it out.

When we are all committed to the power of love rather than the love of power .......  conflict ends forever. 
In relationship, anger and rage and judgement breaks bond, repels the peaceful and attracts more conflicting negative energy to the person expressing it. 

A peace-filled life, comes when we understand we are responsible for the quality of all our interactions, that we can walk away from others who do not share our wish for peace and that forming relationships with people who do not have that goal uppermost in their communications, is likely to lead us to grief.

Loving, living lovingly and peacefully is all about talking personal responsibility, not wildly blaming or judging another nor "thinking" that we are superior or right.  If someone is shouting and in anger, it is always with themselves, you can do nothing to help that person. They have locked themselves into the blame game; they will veer from the role of persecutor, victim, rescuer, they cannot be heart centred until they clear out the baggage and the only person who can liberate them from a cycle of negativity and grief is themselves. 

As Abraham Hicks points out we learn by contrast, let people go, thank them for gifting you a lesson, for showing you where you are not and for all you can learn from that experience :)

Peace xx

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Rostherne Country House

Rostherne Country House

This stunning country house nestles in the tiny hamlet of Rostherne nr Knutsford

Rostherne Country House offers luxurious 4 star bed and breakfast in an idyllic rural location.  It's guestrooms are comfortably furnished, the lounges with roaring log fires are a ideal place to relax & allow the cares of the day to melt away.

With extensive grounds & the glorious Tatton Park a 5 minute drive away, there are plenty of walking and visiting options. Spa facilities are available for a small charge to Rostherne House guests at the nearby Cottons Hotel, Knutsford. 

Rostherne Country House hosts events at weekends with an accent on health & nutrition, art & literature and countryside interests. It is also ideal for corporate events and small group gatherings.

Forthcoming events in October and November  

October 23rd ~ Fungal Foray with Fungalpunk Dave

Meeting at 11am for coffee and biscuits followed by a walk through the grounds of Rostherne Country House and into Tatton Park identifying Native species of Fungi.
Basic price £8.50

On return from your walk, you are invited to stay for a homemade lunch at the house.
A three course lunch is available at a price of £19.50 and will be served in the cosy lounge.


Homemade Soup or Pate
Gourmet Vegetarian Pithivier or Italian Roast Pork
Fruit Crumble with Cream

All lunch bookings must be made in advance

November 13th ~ Literary Workshop with Benjamin J Meyers

11am -1pm
Ben is a local barrister, specialising in criminal and human rights law. He's also a fantastic author !
"Twisted Symmetry" is the first in a six part series and was his first published novel ( he's now written a few more ) He has the ability to recognise the extraordinary in what others perceive to be the ordinary - and writes novels with a flair for the unexpected.   
Suitable for adults & children over 10years old.

Book your place by ringing Marina 01565 832628

November (date to be confirmed) ~ Pingo Art led by Sharon Corbett

Enjoy making your favourite photographs into state of the art cards in time for Christmas. These unusual and appealing cards are suitable for every occasion and you can include your own special messages (as featured on television) 

All bookings by ringing Marina 01565 832628


Saturday, 4 September 2010



Willan lived in a lovely home with her carer Ann, Willan chose to live with Ann; she arrived hungry on her doorstep one day. Ann gave Willan a new start, they lived so happily in a beautiful place with a pretty garden, keeping each other company during sunny summer days and long winter evenings.

Ann noticed a lump, on Willans flank, she took her straight to her local vet.  Willan was operated on straight away, the vet found a tumour, already attached to her Liver. He said nothing could be done, Ann was left devastated and told she would lose Willan within 6-12 weeks.

Some people are amazing, Ann is one of those amazing souls, something deep inside her was telling her this could not be right.  She felt that there would be something to help Willan, although she had no idea what that would be. Through a network of  people Ann was given my number; she called me asking please come to meet Willan and tell me what will help her. 

Ann explained what had happened, of the surgery, the diagnosis, her feeling this could not be the end for Willan.  She understood we may only be able to get her some more time, the tumour with an established blood supply was well advanced.  Ann was willing to do anything for more time and to help Willan enjoy a better quality of life. Since the surgery, the cat was so tired, sleeping a lot, she seemed to be fading away.

We immediately arranged for Willan to have regular hands on sessions, had been using The Radiance Technique (R) with Animals and humans for almost 10 yrs. As soon as i had entered the house Willan was drawn to me and allowed me to touch her and rest my hands on her thin body whilst she accessed light healing energy.

A new species appropriate raw food diet was discussed, Ann was full of enthusiasm for new healthy options, she also opted to use, liquid Aloe juice, some clay to drink as a de-tox & mineral support, some essential oils and flower essences were prepared for Willan to help herself to when she needed them.

Later that month an Irish homeopath Kevin Mc Hugh, explained to me that through his experiences in helping people and children in Chernobyl, he could also offer Willan some supportive remedies.

Willan loved all of her new foods, she ate and ate as if she knew she must save her own life.

Willan, Ann and i walked the journey together, researching plants, discovering helpful raw foods, finding and giving the support Willan understood how to use. 

The full story of Willan, Ann and her Vet will be soon be published, in my first case histories book which details stories from the past 15 yrs of amazing Animals, their carers, Plants and Vibrational medicines.  Heart warming real life cases of Bernard the stud Tortoise with an Anti-biotic resistant ENT infection, Shady a crippled ex racehorse, Brandy a Labrador with Arthritis, Dairy Cows with chronic Foot Rot & much more. 

Animal Tao ~ Animals Know How :)) 
It is always an honour to be a part of their radiant lives ...

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Event Workshop
Sept 11th Uttoxeter, Staffordshire UK

Come and experience the amazing world of Horses and Plant oils, watch and allow Horses to teach you how they can keep themselves well.

Have fun whilst learning to soothe all your Equine issues away forever ! Learn to work with the natural forage instincts of your Equines to strengthen their immunity and their ability to live life to the full. I have enjoyed 15 years of wonderful work with animals, Horses, Cattle, Camels, Dogs ...& Donkeys using forage oils in Europe and Africa, learning and researching the best ways to help them.

Horses choosing oils

This workshop offers demonstrations by Horses, information about helpful oils, how to use them safely, where to obtain safe oils and how to integrate holistic approaches using the instincts of your Horses.

Hedgerows & ancient pastures are full of a year round wide variety of forage which provide all the nutrients grazing animals require for perfect health. Where forage is missing or lacks variety many animals develop weakness leading to susceptibility to illness or lack of performance. Forage Oils are a wonderful support for Horses, extracted from forage plants that Horses instinctively recognise and self select. Offering solutions to Equine health needs such as Sweet Itch, Laminitis, Mud Fever, Spooking, lack of performance, Aches & Strains. Easy to use and simple to give free access to.

The oils Horses crave indicate Plants which in the long term could be introduced into their pasture or planted in buckets/troughs around the Yard. Help is available for anyone wishing to do so. When Horses are able to self select forage oils they are accessing concentrated nutrients including Vitamins, Minerals and Essential fatty acids in the exact amount they need.

The ability of Animals to self select forage is known as Zoopharmacognosy.

Oils are organic and of medicinal quality to retain the nature identical smell which is innately known by Animals. Oils such as English Chamomile help with digestive issues, Seaweed is especially helpful for Laminitis and native English Garlic oil is the perfect insect & parasite repellent which also deals with infections and itches & frequently enable nil worm counts. Other oils have anti-histamine, pain management, anti infection and anti-inflammatory properties. Emotional and psychological issues are also easily lifted often with oils from woodland plants and florals.

Learn to help them help themselves, find out how to keep the Vet bills down and enjoy feeling you can tackle health issues before they develop.
Consults and individual lessons are also available to help you to learn how to easily work with the primal instincts of your Horses and the grazing they have access to.

Please contact me Kryssie Francis if you would like to find out more or to book a place & learn more about the dynamic world of Horses and Plants.

Tel +447900 863 504
Hosting a horse workshop .....

Hosting a workshop or talk is easy, if you have a couple of Horses/Ponies/Donkeys or Cows or even Camels ...Dogs and Cats ... and a room or barn or tack room or a room in your home where we can take breaks and chat.
Events can have no financial outlay & all attending pay deposits; a % which are transferred to you as they come in.
I split the take with you.
Marketing is done by me & you through the networking via local leaflets, flyers, my website & blog, facebook event listing & notes and also via Horse websites.

I offer a variety of events ... talks, one day events, one to one lessons and consults.

Just contact me if you would love to take up this opportunity to help your animals and your rescue or business, e mail me find me on twitter kryssie francis and see this blog and facebook for photos and reports on workshops.

I work anywhere in the world, schedule for 2010/2011 is UK until Autumn then USA , back to the UK & then Spring Australia and India.

This awesome approach is simple to follow; you can also study at your own pace & a Diploma in Zoopharmacognosy is taught by Caroline Ingraham in the UK with follow up modules available via the internet.

Helping animals keep themselves well is easy when they show you HOW & you are attuned to their communications and develop a working knowledge of the qualities of Plants and their oils and essences. :)

This beautiful working Horse lives in Luxor and here she is choosing oils to support her medical treatment at an amazing hospital run by a uk charity. You can see she is carefully taking in the aroma which triggers a yes or no reaction in the central nervous system. If she needs it, she may flare her flehman or perhaps try to lick towards the bottle.

It's simply amazing to witness this ancient innate ability for the right Plants and their Oils ..

No thanks, you can clearly see she is not interested in this one !

She wants this and enjoys ingesting just the amount she needs.

If she had this oil in a forage plant she wouldn't need it but her forage lacks all of the nutrients she requires.
Simple .. forage in a concentrated form she can recognise and take safely.
Events at Littl'uns Equine Rescue Trust East Kent

Talk & Demonstrations Saturday Sept 18th 11-2pm & 3-6pm

                                                   Workshop Sunday Sept 19th 11am-5pm

Come and experience the amazing world of Horses and Plant oils, watch and allow Horses to teach you how they can keep themselves well.

...Talk & Demonstration

Introducing oils for Horses, watch Horses self select Plant oils they need to help with laminitis, sweet itch and other common chronic problems, gain insights into this simple approach to discover if this would help you with your Horses health. Talk, demo and questions.

Have fun whilst learning to soothe all your Equine issues away forever ! Learn to work with the natural forage instincts of your Equines to strengthen their immunity and their ability to live life to the full. I have enjoyed 15 years of wonderful work with animals, Horses, Cattle, Camels, Dogs ...& Donkeys using forage oils in Europe and Africa, learning and researching the best ways to help them.


This one day workshop offers demonstrations by Horses, information about helpful oils, how to use them safely, where to obtain safe oils and how to integrate holistic approaches using the instincts of your Horses.

Hedgerows & ancient pastures are full of a year round wide variety of forage which provide all the nutrients grazing animals require for perfect health. Where forage is missing or lacks variety many animals develop weakness leading to susceptibility to illness or lack of performance. Forage Oils are a wonderful support for Horses, extracted from forage plants that Horses instinctively recognise and self select. Offering solutions to Equine health needs such as Sweet Itch, Laminitis, Mud Fever, Spooking, lack of performance, Aches & Strains. Easy to use and simple to give free access to.

The oils Horses crave indicate Plants which in the long term could be introduced into their pasture or planted in buckets/troughs around the Yard. Help is available for anyone wishing to do so. When Horses are able to self select forage oils they are accessing concentrated nutrients including Vitamins, Minerals and Essential fatty acids in the exact amount they need.

The ability of Animals to self select forage is known as Zoopharmacognosy.

Oils are organic and of medicinal quality to retain the nature identical smell which is innately known by Animals. Oils such as English Chamomile help with digestive issues, Seaweed is especially helpful for Laminitis and native English Garlic oil is the perfect insect & parasite repellent which also deals with infections and itches & frequently enable nil worm counts. Other oils have anti-histamine, pain management, anti infection and anti-inflammatory properties. Emotional and psychological issues are also easily lifted often with oils from woodland plants and florals.

Learn to help them help themselves, find out how to keep the Vet bills down and enjoy feeling you can tackle health issues before they develop.

Consults and individual lessons are also available to help you to learn how to easily work with the primal instincts of your Horses and the grazing they have access to.

Please contact me Kryssie Francis if you would like to find out more or to book a place & learn more about the dynamic world of Horses and Plants.

Tel 07900 863 504 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 07900 863 504 end_of_the_skype_highlighting e mail

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Horses working with essential forage oils

Horses give very clear signals of preference


Ingesting a concentrated forage oil to super charge nutritional intake 

Lip curling Mmmmmm

Flehman flaring is an auto reaction to the right forage oil

Mmmm smells kinda mmmm

Beau has had a tendency to develop Sweet Itch
forage oils offered contain anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory properties
and skin and blood strengtheners

Beau uses innate senses and chooses his unique selection

Horses always love the feel good factor of self chosen forage oils
Thanks Mum !

Workshops are opportunities to see Horses in action with forage oils and at the same time help to raise money for Horse rescue work. Some of the proceeds go to to provide Aloe liquid and gel for working Horses & Donkeys with serious Burns and Wounds. The host can use their portion for their own rescue centre or their favourite charity for Animals.

Workshops are fun, informal, inspiring and teach of innate skills we all have long forgotten ...
using Horses inbuilt instincts and concentrated forage oils is a fast track to pristine health
reduced Vet bills and helps you identify forage plants to grow as feed !
if you are inspired by this, you can attend or host a workshop in the UK right now
& in the USA September/October

Be in touch by e mail to

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

big years !

Some years drift by .. others are full of massive events, experiences and change ... the year 1985-86 was a whole new book for me.  Disastrous Dental surgery, beginning training as a qualified Nurse, finding Acupuncture and Ancient medicines .. as if that were't enough .. the biggest event of all perhaps happened when, after a separation of 30yrs i met my Birth Mother.  It was the culmination of years of wondering and searching.  
It's an almost indescribable event !  

Shocking ~ we looked exactly alike ~ surprising ~ i knew her smell ~ comforting ~ she had not wanted me to be taken away ~ astonishing ~ we had the same curtains ! ~ sad ~ for the lost years ~ funny ~ we loved the same music ~ frustrating ~ she did not tell her family ~ cool ~ her love for Animals ~ fascinating ~ her story of my roots ~  poignant ~ she could not cope seeing me & remembering her past ~

she loved me & through meeting her and feeling that love i found a new level of love for myself

Blessed she gave me LIFE
Blessed for her open heart that she would meet me and share my beginnings
Blessed she was at peace after all those years

one day, another chapter will come, i will find my sisters ... 

Life ... full of surprises 
especially where love and family are concerned !  

Monday, 5 July 2010

Beginnings .....

Meeting clients or new friends inevitably raises a question ... "how did you start working with animals using complementary therapies" i could say it was my childhood dream .. i wanted to be Joy Adamson, sitting in the bush, drinking tea in my nightie, surrounded by Lions .... yet as is often the case work in Egypt with Camels, Arabian Horses, Water Buffalo, Mules & Donkeys and work in Europe using therapies with Animals wasn't planned at all.

Life works out in strange ways ...... in 1982 following an assault during my Nursing career, i developed a back injury, for three years via my GP no pills worked, bed rest didn't help and nor did grinning and bearing it! Eventually in 1985, a neuro-surgeon solemnly informed me surgery on my spine was my only option, he said my Nursing career was over & would be in a wheelchair within 10yrs without it & when i explained such spinal surgery wasn't an option that felt right for me, he said he knew he would see me again begging on my knees for his help.

If a day can change the course of a life, the next day changed mine completely, a colleague sent me to a private practitioner of Acupuncture. As some recent jaw surgery had been a disaster naturally i felt desperate to avoid another operation, Helen explained the lady had helped many Nurses with back problems. 

I was at times using a walking stick, it was impossible to sleep for long, if i straightened my knees i had to tilt my head forward to avoid breathtaking pain.  There wasn't anything to lose by a visit to Ann.  At her Oriental & Holistic Therapies clinic i met her, she explained she had a background in Orthopaedic and Practice Nursing and had become interested in alternatives when she began Martial Arts through meeting her husband who also practised Reflexology. I didn't tell her anything about the neuro-surgeons diagnosis.  She could see what a state of pain and abnormal posture i presented.  She spent time looking at me standing up as best I could, i then lay on my stomach on a low bed, she looked at my spine and without touching me declared she could see displaced lumbar discs & pelvic misalignment just as the Dr of Neuro-surgery had pronounced.

My heart plummeted, "so that's it then" i said, "surgery ?". Oh no she replied, i can treat you now.  For a trained Nurse such as myself this was a shock statement, I asked "what will you do?".  I can sort you out using Acupressure to numb the area, some gentle manipulation and then a few Acupuncture needles, £25 today including a follow up in two weeks.  I felt some gentle touch either side of the area, then a pushing of vertebrae, the fine bendy needles painlessly went in. 

Ann wanted to know about my work, childhood and my life.  She pointed out that i was under extreme enduring stress, i hadn't realised.  She suggested i might want to think about what could be changed and to return in two weeks. She gave me a sheet of instructions which included lifting nothing heavier than a pint of beer. Then she asked me to stand up.  A terrifying moment, she said relax, breathe, just stand up ! I stood up, carefully raising my head expecting my knees to give way. Nothing happened, for the first time in three years I stood upright.  Leaving the clinic to meet my Father, it was hard to believe no pain came; bless him, he could hardly believe his eyes, as he drove me home, we were both left lost in thought all the way.
Neither of could have known just how much my life would change after that visit and meeting Ann. I sometimes look back and reflect how much gratitude i feel and always will feel towards Ann. 

That was in 1985, eight years later i had gained a Counselling qualification at The University of Manchester & started to explore the world of Alternative medicines. I left my Nursing career, Ann invited me to work at her practice as a Counsellor.  

The Animals arrived when a client remarked she wished I would visit her Dog and help him the way she had and her husband been helped. Bernie & her husband had been referred to me by Ann following some Acupuncture sessions, i often treated her clients when they had completed a course of treatment. The hands on relaxation & meditation effect of TRT(TM) & insights into stress and the chance to talk was supportive of the recovery process. Mike reported his Golf handicap had improved enormously from the first session and his usual aches and pains had vanished.  I was seeing around 8 people five days a week, i loved the work, yet, with a life long love of Animals .... had to say YES !

Brandy their beautiful Labrador was getting on in years, he was achey and had been taking pain meds for a couple of years but they were affecting his gut, they knew it was the end of that road for him.  The Vet could not offer anything except euthanasia they didn't feel he was ready to go.  They would do anything to give him a better quality of life and a few more years.  From my first visit, Brandy seemed to "know" what touch work was all about, he settled under my hands for around 2 hours, Bernie and Mike remarked this was not his usual way with strangers.  We talked about his diet, introducing some varieties of vegetables, raw bones, fish and oils. Brandy loved all of this, he continued enjoy regular sessions, Bernie trained in TRT(TM) to help him on a daily basis.  Naturally, Brandy continued to age but had more agility, he seemed to them to be brighter during his walks and his pains seemed to disappear.  Brandy lived another 3 years before passing peacefully.      

He was the first of many Dogs to receive this support through my work.
Thanks and blessings always to Mike & Bernie, you are both in my heart forever, for your intuitions & support of this work with dear Brandy which opened up a whole new career for me and the work my heart needed.

The journey to arrive working voluntarily in Egypt in 2007 has been packed with amazing Animals and their humans, lots of training and is almost a book in itself.  It is now 2010,  some of the journey is in my forthcoming book Animal Tao~Animals Know How .............. now back in the UK, opportunities to meet new Animals continue to arrive every week !

Am very blessed for work that is the love of my life :)


Monday, 12 April 2010

Beautiful setting in the sunshine enjoying Horse and Plant talk

Penny supporting Classic & Katy
gifting him choices of plant oils

Thanks Mum !

Awesome moment .... both lapping the same oil
unforgettable ..... beautiful souls :))

Want some of this ??   to learn more ....

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Courses in the UK
Spring 2010
Cheshire, Gloucestershire & somewhere near you :)
Raise funds for your Animal Rescue !
Come along to see a demonstration of Horses and other Animals
showing how they self select essential oils and other extracts from
forage plants. This is how they nourish themselves when wild and free.
In her book "Wild Health" Cindy Engel gives insights into the health strategies
of animals in their wild habitat that have been observed by scientists.
Read about the Chimpanzees observed by an assistant of Dr Jane Goodall;
anthropologist Richard Wrangham noticed them selecting leaves from the
Aspilia Rudis shrub. Over time this behaviour was seen repeatedly, Chimps
used over 19 different leaves many were found to have secondary metabolites
useful in traditional African medicine. Yet it seems the most likely use here
was in the little leaves having almost a velcro like underside which scoured
worms from their digestive tract.
Animals recognise and ingest Plants and their oils for many different uses,
the study of this is now known as Zoopharmacognosy .. Animals plant knowledge.
In their wild habitats animals spend much of their days foraging
for what we call food. Their nutrition is far more complex than we thought.
When being kept in a domestic setting, few animals gain nutritionally,
many actually experience a shorter lifespan
despite the luxury of modern living and few predators.
Accessing animals to the herbage and natural nutrients
from their wild habitat is a wonderful way to honour
their natural needs, maintaining their health well into old age.
When animals have a great need for such nutrients they will
ingest large quantities of Essential and Herbal oils taken from Plants;
oils must be organic and cleanly produced for this purpose.
Where their need is minor, it is simple to access them to a
tub of plants or additional patches of forage plants
grown around their grazing or excercise area.
This is the work I enable animals to teach their owners.
Join me in a workshop, enjoy a clinic, demonstration or
soon you can read my first of a new series of
animal case history books.
ANIMAL TAO - Animal know how
The first chapter will be free to download via my website.
This first book gives an overview of 15 yrs of clinical practice with
many different species of animals,
including Willan a Cat with Cancer diagnosed with weeks to live
who actually lived for a few more years !
Her owner learned and introduced natural feeding and plant remedies.
Bernard the breeding Tortoise who had a medication resistant ENT infection.
Shady TB ex racehorse had "untreatable" arthritis and spinal misalignments.
He also lived a few more years :)
All outlived the medically diagnosed time prognosis.
None suffered side effects, all taught their owners
the true importance of natural nutrition.
Looking forward so much to meeting YOU :)
Call me 00447900863504
skype kryssieegypt

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Farewell to Egypt & hello to the UK
Courses being held in March,
It isn't the big Good BYE, Egypt is in my heart, visits will happen for a long time to come. However it is the end of living in Luxor & perhaps living in Egypt full time.
My experience is unique to me. Came here for adventure, had plenty of that ......... though not in the Indianna Jones style more in the challenges of everyday life, came to rest, reflect and heal, Egypt, the perfect setting for much needed change and renewal.
Luxor, has the largest known necroplis on the planet, a great place to gaze in awe at astonishing evidence of an ancient way of life some aspects of which are still visible in the villages.
You can sit on a hillside near The Valley of Kings surrounded by Temples & Tombs whilst speaking on your mobile phone to your Mum in England. A few metres further and no signal, you are out in the burning heat of the desert, walking ancient paths where the business of ensuring good fortune in the afterlife was the name of the game.
For now, I am packing up what has been a temporary full time life.
Leaving to take opportunities to teach what Animals can do with forage oils from plants & raise money for Animal welfare projects in Egypt, the Uk and the USA & Australia.
I will be back in Egypt in 2011, with students who wish to learn about the Horse and Animal work & get some hands on experiences whilst they see the sights of Egypt.
I will be teaching workshops and offering new courses.
There is so much to be learned from being in a new culture, especially to learn about yourself and your abilities, exploring ancient roots and new horizons through work and study.
The experience of Egypt is a lifetime experience, offering animal experiences, Nile cruising, the stunning sights and time at the Red Sea for reflection and rest.
The cost includes donations to Egyptian Animal welfare projects.
You will have personal and professional development programme
to support your achievements.
Helpful to anyone seeking knowledge about their path of work with Animals, anyone interested in a career or regular overseas animal project work and to anyone who loves animals and wishes to develop themselves through the insights gained from being immersed in a new culture.
Experiences are also offered in the USA, come and stay in one of the States, experience Horses US style, become involved in a new project, learn about the latest Plant oils, see how Horses saved from the slaughter pens may be helped recover using trauma oils and other approaches and see some sights.
Limited places, please be in touch for the 2010 itinery.